Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The value of risk taking

“Man or woman cannot conquer new oceans unless they are willing to lose sight of the shore “ Les Brown

A lot of people are risk adverse so they would avoid anything that would require them to stretch beyond their current comfort zone. What they don’t realize is you cannot achieve success without first stepping out. They have become comfortable with just getting by and being average. The truth is unless you step out and start doing what you think you can achieve you will always be still wondering whether it is possible to achieve. I want rouse you to stop playing it safe and push your boat out and start conquering oceans.

Allow me to illustrate about a month and half ago I stepped out and started writing this blog. Up to this point I have always said to myself I will start my blog on day. When I actually stepped out and started writing this blog, my writing has improved, I no longer think of writing as a daunting task. I actually enjoy it become it engages my mind and increases my understanding of the topics I write on.

Second illustration is from a book called the richest man in Babylon. There was a livestock merchant who travelled from town to town buying and selling cattle, sheep and goat. Now during this time the Babylonian army was at war with a city called Assiria. One day this livestock merchant set out to buy livestock and as he got to Assiria night was setting in. And since during the war nobody was allowed in at a certain time, He pitched his camp outside the gate.

Now during the night at around 12 O’clock a rich Arab Merchant whose wife was very sick he arrived and asked the livestock merchant if he wanted to buy all his stock for half price. The livestock merchant was in a double mind whether to take a risk and buy at that time and get the whole lot and get for half price. But because he was risk adverse he said he will wait until the following morning. Well at around 5 O’clock at the first break of sun light the city gates where open and the Arab merchant had offers of 10 times the amount he wanted to sell at mid night. The livestock merchant am sure went away crying and blaming himself for not taking the opportunity.

Stop and take stock are you missing out on opportunities because you are waiting for the right conditions?

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